Plastic Consult

How we do it

Our services are based on direct relationship with industry professionals.


We are the source of information in the industry and we develop all of our data in our own, providing on an annual basis over 2,000 contacts and talks with the companies in the chain:


  • Manufacturers of raw materials
  • Distributors and Resellers of Raw Materials
  • Transformers
  • Second processing industry
  • Distributors and users of manufactured and semi-finished plastics
  • Recyclers

Specialist staff

Our staff is made up of a team of specialists with a large network of external experts. This allows us to compose an operating group, targeted, for each assignment, decisive to get excellent results quickly.

Documentation Center

Easier and constantly fueled by information obtained through direct contacts, industry press and specialized publications.


A place where plastics and processing products can be explored from every point of view, studied in their technological dimension and deepened in their aesthetic potential. Meeting point where designers, product managers, R & D and technical managers can find collaboration to study and develop innovative products to be presented in an increasingly selective market.