How we do it
Our services are based on direct contacts with major players of the sector under investigation.
We are the sole and unique source for all Italian statistics covering plastics. We develop in-house all our data, carrying out yearly more than 2.000 calls with:

Raw material producers
Distributors, brokers and traders of raw materials
Plastic processors
Down-stream converters
Distributors and end users of finished and semi-finished goods
Recycling companies

Our staff is built around a small core of senior consultants, connected to a wide network of external experts. This allows us to gather the most suitable team for each project. Assembling a fine research group has proven to be a key to achieve excellent results also time wise.
The exhaustive Plastic Consult’s documentation center is constantly fed by self developed information, technical press and specialised publications.
Activity created to promote, develop and disseminate the understanding and knowledge of performance, ample scope and appropriate usage of plastics and plastic products among designers and users. Crossroad of know-how and talents, place where managers, head of R&D and technical engineers interact and cooperate to study and perfect innovative products meeting the needs of demanding markets.